Monday, June 15, 2009

What's Your Favorite Band?

One Band
Two Words
Three Cheers: Collective Soul!!

I can't and never will (and why should I ever want to)
get enough of Collective Soul!
They are more than a band. They are our world. The world we know!
The perfection of every song, the beauty of every beat, it's there every time.
Every time you are listening to a new hit or a nostalgic classic.
And as for the other songs... well they all fit in just the 2 categories
so I covered every single song already.

Late at night I tune to my favorite TV music channel then go into my office.
I can't make out what's playing, although I'm sure my family
is being entertained.
But when Collective Soul comes on, I just know.
Call it psychic, call it ESP, call it whatever you want.
Even though I have the honor of listening to Collective Soul
anytime of the day with a click of a mouse, push of a button, dial of my cell,
insert of a disc...etc.
There's just something rewarding about it coming to you as a surprise.
The second they start playing I'm running out of the office to crank it up and rock out until my cranky neighbor delivers a knock at my door.
Don't get me wrong, he loves to listen to Collective Soul too.
Just not at the decibel I'm accustomed too.

That brings me back to when I was 14. I was blasting my Collective Soul CD in my room while my grandmother was banging on the door.
As if the vigorous knocks would decode: "Turn that racket down!"
I got her to like the band though once I had her listen to them
with my Disc-man.
( I can see how music wouldn't sound as good behind closed doors,
you gotta have the full effect!)
My grandmother turned really cool after that!

I had my first encounter with Collective Soul when I was riding
in my aunt's car. She was playing her "Collective Soul" album.
After listening for a while to this spectacular music,
I asked with a tone of amazement: "Who is this?"

Ever since that day my aunt has had to share her idolizing with me.
Unlike her who wishes she could have the love for the band all to herself...
"Yeah, dream on woman!"
I know Collective Soul was meant to be shared, meant to be heard,
and meant to be cherished.
The "collection of love for us to share." - Ed Roland

The older I got the more into this band I became.
I would buy sheet music like "Shine" and "The World I Know" to play for my piano recitals.
I would let my bedroom in on the craze by decorating it
with Collective Soul posters.
Every Friday when I was 13 I would take my "Collective Soul" CD
to school so our DJ could play it during lunchtime.

I started to show my dedication in style too by wearing Collective Soul T-shirts.

At the age of 16 I heard they were going to play in my city. (San Jose)
All the begging and pleading I did with my father didn't work.
I don't understand why because he's a fan too! Bad day?
All the more reason to go and make it "Better Now"
But I took a friend with me to go meet 2 of the band members
at a mall prior to their concert.
Although I would miss the show I was really excited to meet them.
It was such a memorable experience and I can't wait till it happens again!
They signed one of my albums and made my Collective Soul shirt
official with a swirly O which made it my most prized possession of threads.
We got our picture taken with them thanks to my friend for
remembering her camera. But no thanks...
I'll explain: My friend moved away shortly after and then months later
finally got the picture developed.
What did she end up doing?
She cut herself out of it!
"I look bad in it" She said.
I don't care if I even had anything remotely gross hanging
out of any part of my face, something in my teeth, messy hair,
or any other freaky appearance.
I had my picture taken with Ed and Dean!! Enough said.
But did I ever get to see it for myself?
That's a big disappointing "No" This is hard to say but...
When she tried mailing it to me, it never made it.
Oh the joys there would have been if we did e-mail that time ago.
I have a permanent grievance toward the post office now.

During the summer of 2006 I finally got to see them for the first time
at the California State Fair.
I was 24 and have been to many "over the top" concerts by then.
But this one topped them all by far.
They were absolutely sensational!! I got to see them again that following year at the Silver Legacy in Reno. Even though I was suffering from a terrible sinus infection they still rocked!

Speaking of concerts they are doing a tour with none other
than Gavin Degraw!!
You can check it out right here!
I'm sure glad I don't have to beg my father anymore

Which shows are you going to?

And here's where I really shine with the love sharing. I call it
"The Collective Soul Levels Of Experience"
Start with the quote from the following that fits you best and click on it.
Keep going till you reach the fan club.

"All this hype over a band, what's that all about? " If you have never heard any of their songs, or are unsure. This is the perfect place to start out.
You can familiarize yourself with the first 3 songs.

"What else do they sing?" If you have heard a few of their songs, this is a good place to hear much more!

"Live it, love it, where can I get the t-shirt?" If you have heard many of their songs and want to share the love for the band. What better way to do that than to become a part of their fan club!! An official "Collective Soul"

Now you can test your experience level by trying to relate to
one or more of the following. It doesn't have to be exact, just something similar.
Give yourself a point for each relation.

You know your a Collective Soul Seeker when:

- Your 7 year old daughter is singing along to"December"on the radio in the car

- You're ringing a customer up at work and all of sudden let out a huge GASP
(that ends up freaking the customer out) because you just heard the radio above announcing Collective Soul playing in Reno March 21rst. (Best Birthday present ever!!)

- You're working on your profile for your job interview scheduled the next morning and keep chucking it aside because you keep getting ideas for this blog that you have to jot down
in your notebook.

- You're shopping in a crowded store and you start to hear on the speaker a faint "Perfect Day" playing and you yell to everyone: "Be quiet!"

- You are able to check off the following:

[] You keep track of their Blog and Updates
[] You're on their friend's list on Myspace
[] You're a fan of theirs on Facebook
[] You follow them on Twitter

- Your eager to find out what everyone else has to add to this list...

Now tally up:

0= You need to listen to more songs. Get out more.
Try going to some of their concerts. Retake this a month from now.

1= You're on your way but try to get more points next time.

2= You're doing better. Lets see what you can get in about a week or so.

3= Your glass is halfway full! Another point wouldn't hurt.

4= Only 2 more to go, your in good shape.

5= You are a true fan, congratulate yourself!

6= You are there my friend! You are an official CS Fan and may someday top me with the amount of CS concerts you've been to. But don't count on it. ;)

So... what's your favorite Band?

1 comment:

  1. what a great entry...I am getting to know the band so much better through their fans. :-) I wrote about them on my blog, too, but from a different perspective - - If you're on Twitter, and want to say hey, find me @JoLoPe
